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二、高壓壓力校驗儀注意事項:  1、當充電指示燈由紅燈轉換為綠燈時,停止對電池充電,長期充電易損壞高能量電池。  2、儀表長時間不用,應三個月充電一次。  3、當儀表的壓力微調已調至最大或最小位置時,不能再強行調節,以防止損壞機內部件。  4、儀表傳感器有足夠的過載能力,但超過過載能力,傳感器將有永久損壞的可能。  5、壓力傳感器的硅膜片很薄:切忌固體、顆粒或其它硬物進入壓力輸出內,否則易損壞壓力傳感器。  6、儀表應置于通風干燥和無腐蝕性的場所,若有特殊要求,請在定貨合同中標明。  7、充電電源:儀表配外置式開關電源,接入市電220VAC,即對儀表高能量鎳氫電池充電,充電指示燈為紅色時,處于充電狀態:充電指示燈為綠色時,表明電池已充滿,拔下開關電源,切勿在欠電壓情況下,長期放置儀器,應及時充電。  8、壓力輸出:校驗變送器或其它在線儀表時,將變送器或其它在線儀表用所配軟管連接此接口,可實現檢測、測量。自校壓力計時,只需將此接口堵好,可以檢測出手壓泵系統的氣密性。壓力檢測范圍從0~25MPa(各擋)。  9、氣泵及微調:氣泵為手動打壓系統,微調為細調壓力值,當壓力顯示值上下偏差時,進行微調。儀表為靜態加壓系統,因此加壓到滿量程后,數值下降速度快。在實際操作使用中,請打壓到滿量程超出報警后儀表顯示OVERRANGE!P穩定2-3分鐘,再用微調緩慢調整,調準顯示值(反復上下微調幾次)。此產品為特殊規格校驗儀,如需量程選型請致電:0517-86994588 (德國數字壓力校驗儀)




GE Sensing Features ?  Sources and reads mA, mV, V, ohms, frequency and pulses ?  Convenient one-handed operation ?  Plug/play connector for IDOS Universal Pressure Modules ?  Simulates and reads 8 RTDs and 12 thermocouples ?  32 pressure modules from 10 in H 0 to 10,000 psi (25 mbar to 700 bar) Applications 2 ?  Simultaneous dual reading capability ?  Automatic switch test and pressure leak test ?  1000 point data storage with real time clock ?  24 V loop power supply ?  Test and maintenance ?  Transmitter calibration ?  Loop set-up and diagnostics ?  Switch, trip and alarm verification ?  HART ? loop resistor The DPI 800 Series is a complete range of advanced, robust and simple to use hand-held instruments. Highly cost effective, these tools are ideal for test/calibration of many popular process parameters. Advanced features and technical innovations address more applications in less time and deliver results you can rely on. ?  Large backlit display ?  Robust and weatherproof ?  Compact, simple to use, easy to carry DPI 880 Druck Multi-function Calibrator DPI 880 is a Druck product. Druck has joined other GE high-technology sensing businesses under a new name_ GE Industrial, Sensing. g IDOS GE Sensing DPI 880 Specifications Unique thermocouple cold junction compensation Virtually eliminates errors caused by changing environmental conditions on test instruments  used outside. 4.5°F (2.5°C) C/J error due to 54°F (30°C)  transient change DPI 880 Leading competitor The DPI 880 Multi-function Calibrator  is an ultra compact and simple to use tool for  testing, configuring and calibrating virtually all process parameters. It measures, sources and simulates mA,  mV, V, RTDs, thermocouples, ohms, frequency, pulses and pressure, captures switch values and provides 24 V  loop power. 32°F (0°C) 0 5 10 15 tmins Simultaneous dual readings Automatic detection of 2, 3 and  4 wire RTDs Quickly detect damaged sensors and faulty wiring that could otherwise be missed or cause s             (德國數字壓力校驗儀)


DPI 610和DPI615可方便地使用于需要校驗、維修和開工前檢驗等各種應用場合。雙參數顯示屏可清晰地顯示輸入和輸出數據。任務菜單可很方便地定義工作方式,例如對P-I、開關測試和泄漏測試,只需在菜單選擇上按一下確認鍵即可。專用的任務菜單按下專用的任務(TASK)鍵,即可進入TASK 菜單,選擇所需的測試,例如對變送器測試選擇P-I(壓力- 電流)。按一下確認鍵,校驗儀即可工作。使用高級(ADVANCED)模式將用戶的任務加入用戶任務(USER TASK)中作將來使用。 (德國數字壓力校驗儀)


壓力傳感器包括:420、422、423N1、425N1、426N1、423、425、426、423X、425X、426X、433、435、436、443、445、446、UPA21等系列 (德國數字壓力校驗儀)



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